Saturday, February 12, 2011

2010 ranking for Italian Marathons preferred by International Runners

The objective of this website is to provide useful information for international runners, who would like to participate to Italian Marathons. In the last 2 years, we have provided several rankings, with the goal to give a sizing on the Italian marathons and half-marathons. 
The interesting ranking below provides information on how many international runners participate to Italian Marathons. The key idea is to indicate how prepared is the organizer of the different races to take care of international requests. No surprise: there is a strict correlation between the complete ranking and this one. Around 10,000 international runners decided to compete in Italy in 2010, this represents 22% on the total number of runners participating to Italian Marathons (the february edition of the monthly magazine "Correre" indicated that 34,100 were the number of Italian runners participating at least to 1 marathon). The top 3 marathons, Rome, Florence, and Venice captured more than 80% of the total international runners in Italy. However, it is worthwhile to notice that at least 2 marathons have higher ranking for international runners. First, the Trieste marathon has more than 28% of international runners: only Rome, Florence and Venice have better percentages. Second, Palermo marathon at the end of November, with incredible weather above 15 degrees, is able to attract an high number of international runners and has a ratio of 27%. 

Below you can find the ranking for the top Italian marathons, based on numbers of international runners. Please note that the ranking refers only to the most recent marathon, while former edition might have got higher participations. 24 Marathons had more than 10 international participants.


1. Rome Marathon: international runners 4550
(Mar 21 2010, Ranking Rome Marathon 2010)

2. Florence Marathon: international runners 2118
(Nov 28 2010, Ranking Florence Marathon 2010)

3. Venice Marathon: international runners 1350
(Oct 25 2010, Ranking Venice Marathon 2010)

4: Lake Garda Marathon: international runners 404
(Oct 10 2010, Ranking Lake Garda Marathon 2010)

5. Milan City Marathoninternational runners 402
(Apr 11 2010, Ranking Milan Marathon 2010)

6. Trieste Marathon: international runners 175

7. Turin Marathon: international runners 153
(Nov 11 2010, Ranking Turin Marathon 2010)

8. Padua Marathon: international runners 127
(Apr 25 2010, 
Ranking Padua Marathon 2010)

9. Verona Marathon: international runners 123
(Feb 21 2010, Ranking Verona Marathon 2010)

10. Carpi Ferrari Italian Marathon: international runners 114
(Oct 10 2010, 
Ranking Ferrari Marathon 2010)

TOP 20:

11. South Tirol Marathoninternational runners 103
(Oct 3 2010, 
ST Marathon 2010)

12. Treviso Marathon: international runners 77

13. Palermo Marathon: international runners 52
(Nov 21 2010, 
Ranking Brianza Marathon 2010)

Reggio Emilia: international runners 39
(Dec 12 2010, Ranking Reggio Emilia Marathon 2010)

15. Piceno Marathon: international runners 34
(May 16 2010, Ranking Piceno Marathon 2010)

16. Mugello Marathoninternational runners 33
(Oct 30 2010Mugello Marathon 2010

17. Lucca Marathon: international runners 28

18. Messina Marathon: international runners 27
19. Custoza Marathon: international runners 19

20. Livorno Marathon: international runners 19
(Nov 14 2010, Livorno Marathon 2010 Ranking)

TOP 30:

21. Naples Marathon: international runners 16
(Apr 18 2010, 
Naples Marathon 2010)

Trasimeno Lake Marathon: international runners 13
(Mar 7 2010, Trasimeno 2010)

Colle Marathon, from Barchi to Fano: international runners 11
24. Placentia Marathon: international runners 11 

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